Temple Beth-El

Shabbat & Holidays


Erev Shabbat

Services generally begin at 7 p.m. each Friday night, except during the summer, when they begin at 6:30 p.m. We recommend that you check our calendar to verify all service times. An Oneg Shabbat always follows services. During summer, services are held outdoors in our lovely Rudin Garden, weather permitting.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study: Parashat Hashavuah
Saturdays, 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Instructors: TBE Clergy

Founded more than 30 years ago by Rabbi Davidson, our weekly Shabbat morning study of parashat hashavuah (the weekly Torah portion) is one of the jewels in the Temple-Beth El crown. The classical commentators, Jewish history, modern thought, current events, and our own personal experiences intersect each week as our clergy lead us in thought-provoking, in-depth conversation about Judaism’s most sacred book. No prior knowledge or background is necessary, as each person brings a unique and valuable perspective to the table that enriches the learning for everyone.

This class is open to all congregants and prospective congregants. No preparation is necessary, and no knowledge of Hebrew is required.

Shabbat Morning Services

Weekly, 10:30 a.m.


Tisha B’Av Service – A solemn and spiritual service commemorating the tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people and the brokenness and loss in our own lives.  

Sukkot – Congregational sukkah-building and Sukkot services following a congregational picnic in our sukkah.

Simchat Torah – Simchat Torah services, consecration of our new religious school students, hakafot in which all are encouraged to participate, apples and caramel for the kids, and dancing for all.

Hanukkah – Bring your own Hanukkah menorah and candles when we light the menorah as a community and say the blessings. 

Purim Shabbat – Purim shpiel, amazing music by Stephanie & the Shabbatones, and the reading of the megillah. 

Passover – Community Passover seders

Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot – An evening of Torah study taught by the clergy of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck, Temple Judea of Manhasset, Temple Tikvah of New Hyde Park, Temple Isaiah of Great Neck, North Country Reform Temple of Glen Cove and Port Jewish Center.