Temple Beth-El


Brotherhood of Temple Beth-El has a long and proud tradition of serving both our synagogue and our local community. Members participate in special just-for-men Brotherhood events, help out at select synagogue and community-service events, and enjoy the camaraderie of others. Our Brotherhood chapter has repeatedly won awards from the Men of Reform Judaism national organization.

We offer many volunteer opportunities, including – but not limited to – the following:

  • Brotherhood hosts the annual Saul Kessler Interfaith Seder for our neighbors of other faiths.
  • Brotherhood promotes food donation and financial support for the Great Neck Interfaith Food Pantry at St. Aloysius RC Church.
  • Brotherhood provides Easter Sunday and Independence Day meals for users of the Great Neck Interfaith Food Pantry.
  • Brotherhood members host Sukkot and Memorial Day barbeques for the congregation.
  • Brotherhood members take leadership roles in TBE initiatives—building projects, lectures and author talks, as well as our usher corps.

Members attend monthly meetings, which include Sunday bagel breakfasts or Thursday evening dinners. For members, Brotherhood also schedules Men’s Night Out dinners, book discussions and other events. Brotherhood hosts an annual summer barbeque, and we attend various sports and cultural events together with our families. 

Annual dues are $60. Pay your Brotherhood dues here

Click here to make a donation to the St. Aloysius Interfaith Food Pantry.* (Under Donation #1, please select “Brotherhood Interfaith Food Pantry.”)

Click here to make a donation to Brotherhood.* (Under Donation #1, please select a Brotherhood Fund.)

*Temple Beth-El is now using the Zeffy website for certain registration and online payments. Unlike other services, Zeffy does not charge the temple a credit card processing fee. While it does offer users the choice to pay a fee to support Zeffy, it is completely optional. Your Zeffy contribution can be changed to zero—and no fee will be imposed to you or the temple.