Temple Beth-El

TBE’s Annual Tzedakah Project

Sunday, December 15, 2024    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

It’s TBE’s Annual Tzedakah Project. Help provide local families in need with a holiday dinner. A complete meal costs only $30 per family. With your generous donations, we are able to purchase full holiday meals to deliver to over 325 families in Great Neck.

Participate in TWO ways! Join us in person at TBE to package and deliver the meals and/or make a donation to sponsor a holiday meal(s). We rely on volunteers to help assemble the grocery bags of food items and then to help deliver them.

Click here to register or make a donation.
*All donations made on this link will go exclusively to the Tzedakah Project.*

For more information, call 516-487-0900.