Temple Beth-El

TBE Explorers: Trip to the Met

TBE Explorers Trip to the Met image
Monday, November 4, 2024    
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

TBE Explorers: NYC Trip to The Metropolitan Museum of Art 

Former TBE member Sandie Antar will lead us on a new tour at The Met, “Spirituality of Art.” It’s a cross-cultural tour of works of art from all over the museum, spanning thousands of years and four continents, from ancient works of art from Egypt and Rome to an Italian 18th century Hanukkah menorah. Sandie will describe the artistic qualities of each work as well as how it connects to the spiritual beliefs and practices of the society where it was made and used.

$15 per person, pay at the door. Please note: library passes will not be accepted for this tour. We will take the LIRR together (buy your own ticket). Lunch (pay on your own) will follow at Mykonian House (prix fixe $35). Visit www.mykonianhouse.com.

Wear comfortable shoes!

Click here to register. For more information call 516-487-0900.