Temple Beth-El

Guest Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Esther Lederman, October 25-26

Friday, October 25, 2024 - Saturday, October 26, 2024    
7:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join us for a special weekend with Guest Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Esther Lederman, Vice President of Leaders in Action, Union for Reform Judaism

Friday, October 25, 7 p.m.
Erev Shabbat Service: Who Are the Ancestors Our Future Needs?
As we continue our visioning work to chart the future of Temple Beth-El, Rabbi Lederman, a leader in the national Reform movement, will explore our current moment in American Jewish life and highlight key issues for us to think about as we move forward. 

Saturday, October 26, 9:15 a.m.  IN PERSON AND ONLINE
Torah Study with Rabbi Esther Lederman
“Where Are You?”: God’s Eternal Question Instructor: Rabbi Esther Lederman, Union for Reform Judaism 
What might God’s first question to Adam and Eve—“where are you?”—mean for us today? Rabbi Lederman will help attendees explore key themes of the first chapter of Genesis.

Saturday, October 26,10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning Service followed by Brunch
Join us for Shabbat morning service followed by a brunch.
Click here to register for brunch..