Join us for a special evening!
5:30-9 p.m. Blessing of the Children Shabbat and Guest Speaker Steve Chen
5:30 p.m. Families Pizza Dinner (for children ages 18 and under, and their families)
Families can enjoy dinner before services. Click here to register for family dinner.
7 p.m. Erev Shabbat Service in the Rudin Chapel
As we approach the High Holidays, our service will include shofar blowing by the T’kiah Team, led by Michael Freeman.
During tonight’s service, all children will be called to the bimah, to offer them a blessing for the start of the school year.
We also welcome guest speaker Steve Chen, Great Neck Public Schools Trustee & President of the Great Neck Chinese Association, who will speak on Human Connection—From Different Paths to the Common Ascent.
The Shabbatones will be our musical guests this evening.
For more information, call 516-487-0900.