Women and Tzedakah: Halakhah, Spirituality–and Controversy!*
Dr. Alyssa Gray
Emily S. and Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman Chair in Rabbinics and Professor of Codes and Responsa Literature at HUC-JIR/New York
October 31, November 7 & 14
Tzedakah is rightly regarded as one of the key mitzvot and most characteristically Jewish of endeavors. Jewish women have always engaged in tzedakah, and the story of their doing so is more eventful and controversial than one might expect. In our 3 sessions, we will follow the Jewish legal and social history of women’s tzedakah from the Talmud through the Middle Ages and into modernity. We will also learn about continuity and change as we observe how Jewish legalists adapt Jewish law in new times and places.
*We are grateful to Mary Alice Dobbin for her generosity in making our learning with HUC-JIR scholars Dr. Alyssa Gray and Rabbi Joe Skloot possible.